Skąd się wzięło słowo „choreografia” w tańcu?
Where did the word "choreography" in dancing come from?


Dance, crazy delirium, manifested by kicking one’s feet up to complete exhaustion. Ill men and women (hence the name „choreography”)* gather in the living rooms or taverns. The men of the „better” spheres don light funeral attire and ladies expose themeselves to the waist. Sweaty bodies are wiped out with handkerchiefs or are cooled with the artificial wind by means of so-called fans. The glow of dawn weakens the attacks – ill women let others drive them back home and go to bed, ill men self-medicate until 8 or even 9 am with double doses of alcohol. The disease spreads epidemically during the winter; it is mostly young people of both sexes who suffer from it, although the old jades tend to have seizures too. The disease in the units of the opposite sex often leads to violent heart palpitations, so that you have to shout for a priest immediately.

*Adjectives in Polish are inflected. „Chory”, meaning „ill” or „sick”, has the form „chorzy” for masculine plural and „chore” for feminine plural, both resembling the first part of the word „choreografia” – Polish for „choreography”.
